Teaching and Learning in Schools of Nursing (Paperback)

By Loretta E Heidgerken

The 3rd revised edition of the book deals with the principles and habits of thinking which have both a philosophic and scientific basis when connected to teaching nursing. The emphasis in this book is on learner and learning and on the teacher of nursing students. Although the book is directed to the teacher, in the final analysis it is what the learner does that is of primary importance; for its is she who must do her own learning. The second emphasis is on teacher of nursing and hence the content and illustrations from teaching in clinical setting have been included as well as from typical classroom. The book is divided into six units. Unit I deals with total educational process in all of its complexity; the substantive dimension (knowledge component), the procedural dimension (teaching and learning procedures), the environmental dimension (physical and social) and the human relations dimension (interpersonal relationships between teachers, students, patients, health personnel etc). Unit II deals with teaching-learning situation. Unit III presents a unified approach to planning and to teaching, thereby providing the teacher with a better guide for day by day planning and teaching. Unit IV lays stress on methods of teaching-learning, group discussion, project method etc. Unit V deals updated technologies with audiovisual materials, multimedia approach etc. The multimedia approach has implications for pre-service and in-service education of teachers. Unit VI concludes and devoted to the evaluation of teaching-learning process. It presents the reader with an overview of components of a total evaluation programme and helps a teacher to develop an criterion for evaluation of her teaching.

Loretta E. Heidgerken is processor of Nursing Education, the Catholic University of America. Prof. Heidegerken has been teaching to both undergraduate and graduate students for the last four decades.

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