Tomorrow Never Comes (Hardcover)

By K.L. Mohana Varma

Dr. G.P.C. Nayar, the central character of this fictional biography, continues to guide the destiny of the academic. Dr. G.P.C. Nayar, the central character of this fictional biography, continues to group he founded in 1976. This book is the story of his life, his struggles, his trials and his hardships written in an inimitable fictional style by Mr. Mohana Varma. Today, Dr. G.P.C. Nayar is an icon in professional education in India unparalleled anywhere in the world.

K.L. Mohana Varma is a popular Malayalam/English novelist, short story writer, columnist, chief editor of Veekshanam, a Malayalam daily, and chief editor of Puzha, a leading online weekly Malayalam magazine.

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